Bee Happy has been proudly providing raw organic honey to Perth, WA, since 1993. Based in Toodyay, Bee Happy Organic is supplied with a wide range of raw honey, including our most popular …
Bee Happy has been proudly providing raw organic honey to Perth, WA, since 1993. Based in Toodyay, Bee Happy Organic is supplied with a wide range of raw honey, including our most popular Certified Organic Jarrah Honey and many other local flavours like the Marri, Wildflower & Bottlebrush. Raw Organic Honey is not all we at Bee Happy specialise in. Our other honey products include Bee Pollen, Jarrah Chocolate, Certified Organic Beeswax, Honeycomb & Wax Wraps. While Bee Happy products can be found at select locations around Perth, WA, we offer Australia-wide and International shipping options, including the US, UAE, China, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore and many others! Check out our shop for more, or get in contact with us!