Join UW's first-ever 3MT Competition, where grad students have just three minutes to share their research in a fun and ...
3MT® is not an exercise in trivializing or "dumbing down" research, instead, it forces competitors to consolidate their ideas and crystallize their research ... research in only three minutes with ...
Participants are judged on the ability to effectively convey the essence and importance of their research in an engaging way to a non-specialist audience in just three minutes, with one PowerPoint ...
The Three-Minute Thesis (3MT) Challenge is an academic research competition that helps graduate students build effective presentation and communication skills. Participants are allowed just three ...
Try to be as engaging as possible, remembering that part of the 3MT is also how well you perform your presentation, not only how well you write it. Again, a major focus is on the visual aspect so ...
The 3 Minute Thesis (3MT) competition brings together the Dalhousie community to give graduate student researchers a platform to share and celebrate their ideas and compete for ... with one PowerPoint ...
Launched in the fall of 2021, the 3MT micro-credential Communicating Research to Broad ... about their own research and developed an effective, supporting PowerPoint slide and reviewing past winners.
3MT® is not an exercise in trivializing or "dumbing down" research, instead, it forces competitors to consolidate their ideas and crystallize their research ... research in only three minutes with ...
The Three Minute Thesis Competition (3MT) is an exciting, fast-paced event showcasing the ... research displayed to the audience and judging panel in a single presentation slide. The competition ...
One slide. Three minutes. Cash prizes ... bringing them into your expertise. 3MT challenges grad students to develop critical skills for their academic and professional journeys while also revealing ...