How many trains are there from Akola to Raipur Junction? There are 31 direct trains that run between Akola and Raipur Junction. The train schedules consist of 5 daily, 18 weekly and 6 biweekly trains.
The completion of ABS on this critical section is set to bring several key benefits to the region's rail operations.
The distance between Akola and Sainagar Shirdi is approximately 407 kilometers. Trains leaving Akola arrives at Sainagar Shirdi on same day. What is the duration of Akola to Sainagar Shirdi train ...
Akola: The Railway Protection Force (RPF) in Akola cracked down on illegal e-ticket trading. A case has been registered against the accused, Suhas Patil, 46, under Section 143 of the Railway Act.
Prayagraj: Keeping in mind the comfort of lactating mothers among the devotees coming to city for the Maha Kumbh, the Prayagraj division of North Cent.