Synopsis: The film focuses on Mufasa’s (voiced by Pierre) childhood and the origins of the Pride Lands. As a young and lost cub, Mufasa meets the sympathetic lion Taka (voiced by Harrison). Together, ...
If you want to watch all the Marvel movies in chronological order then you have to start ... counts as part of the MCU is up for debate - Disney/Marvel say no, but it was very clearly meant ...
What’s so great about the X-Men movies is that they all stand pretty ... can watch these movies in any order, there is a way to watch the X-Men movies in chronological order.
For Marvel fans, navigating the ever-growing Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) can feel like an epic mission in itself. With ...
Plus, with the spin-offs included, you get that seamless transition from Rogue One into A New Hope, and the Disney ... the movies in release order gives you a few advantages over chronological ...
Watching all the Star Wars movies is incredibly fun, but is it better to view them by release date or their in-universe ...
All of the "Star Wars" movies and TV shows can be found on Disney+ or Hulu if you have a premium subscription. The movies can also be rented on Amazon Prime Video starting at $3.79. Need a break? Play ...
Hollywood was introduced to the glorious cast of characters known as the X-Men, and it hasn't looked back since. The past two ...
If you’ve seen most or all of the movies before, watch them in chronological order for fun ... Then, of course, in the Disney era, we have the live-action shows and the animated series ...
What If...?'s final season has now arrived on Disney+ to give us a Christmas treat, but you might wondering exactly where (and when) it fits in the MCU timeline. As ...
While I don't have the plans to go to the Death Star, I do have a plan for how you can spend your winter break: Watching all your ... the "Star Wars films" — in chronological order of the ...
Now, thanks to Disney buying Fox and rolling ... out with our guide to the X-Men movies in order. We’ve put together the chronological list (because that's the hard one to follow) but there ...