An alligator's jaw is so powerful they have no problem crunching through a hard turtle shell." "Enjoy this fine dining experience, brought to you by nature and questionable table manners," the ...
A Florida alligator stopped traffic while walking across the street with a turtle in its mouth. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife ...
Alligator for Lent? Yep, it’s allowed! The Catholic Church confirms gator is seafood, so South Louisiana can keep it on the ...
Why did the alligator cross the road? To get to the other side and devour his turtle snack, of course. A video showing an alligator stopping traffic to cross the road with a turtle in its mouth ...
An alligator's jaw is so powerful they have no problem crunching through a hard turtle shell.""Enjoy this fine dining experience, brought to you by nature and questionable table manners," the post ...