Game development requires multiple disciplines of design, storytelling, visual art, animation, programming, project management, and marketing to create a work with professional polish, ready to ...
The goal of the MAGIC Maker program is to provide students with the funding and support to manage their own digital media (games, film, digital media, interactive experiences, digital design and more) ...
All undergraduate students start their studies with a solid foundation in applied design and a broad overview of the animation and game pipelines. Students interested in pursuing advanced work in a ...
Kinetic Imaging at Western Michigan University’s Gwen Frostic School of Art is a Bachelor of Science Degree with tracks in Animation ... from handmade games, user behavior analytics, interactive ...
These core courses usually focus on game design, game engine development, digital storytelling, 2-D and 3-D modeling, and animation and computer programming languages such as Java, C++ and C#.
Hone in on an area (or areas) of interest that gets you excited. Is it game arts? Coding for games? Sound design? Narrative? Then, explore the theory and skills that will form the foundation of your ...
Uthana has secured $4.3m to "revolutionize" 3D character animation with generative AI. The $4.3 million funding round was led ...