Calling all handypeople with a home based workshop; the time has never been better than now to start an antique furniture refinishing and repair business, as consumer demand has skyrocketed for ...
Calling all handypeople with a homebased workshop; the time has never been better than now to start an antique furniture refinishing and repair business, as consumer demand has skyrocketed for ...
Beginning as a self-taught antique-furniture restorer, his early career was principally devoted to the restoration of furniture and clocks, which quickly transitioned into buying and selling antiques.
To use this method, simply apply a small amount of mayonnaise to the affected area, gently rubbing it in with a soft cloth.
If you’re looking for an interesting day out for St Patrick’s Day weekend, you could consider heading to the Limerick ...
thrift stores and antique stores in search of items to restore and flip! My wife finds a few pieces of furniture and we decide to do the restoration of one of the items on camera! Berlin ready to ...
Real wood furniture is sturdy ... Christophe Pourny, owner of Christophe Pourny Ltd., an antique restoration and custom finish studio, explained that you could either carve the detail back ...