It was a rough start to Apple’s new flagship line. In July 2000, Apple was quick to move on from the awkward first models of the Power Mac G4. It revised the machines, now all using the AGP-based ...
Apple's solution was the very sleek PowerMac G4 Cube. Launched in July of 2000, the G4 Cube had all of the horsepower and the performance of the standard PowerMac G4, but it introduced a much more ...
Now, Apple is going in another new direction with Apple Miami Worldcenter, a brand-new “naturally inspiring” store that ...
IDE and a framebuffer to certain models of Apple gear: the tray-loading iMac G3, PowerMac G3 "Blue and White", PowerBook G3 "Lombard", and PowerMac G4 "Yikes". This is a remarkable achievement ...
followed by the iBook (169,000 units), Power Mac G4 (167,000 units, including servers) and PowerBook (94,000 units). Apple's earnings for the quarter were $32 million, or 9 cents per share ...