In pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, students first receive a strong foundation in analytical, physical, organic and inorganic chemistry before selecting one of three options leading to the ...
and allows for a wide variety of science-related careers. Our chemistry program is internationally recognized for its specialized research and education. Explore all branches of chemistry: analytical, ...
of either Analytical Chemistry or Forensic Science. 3 STEM Elective - Any 2000-level or higher science, technology, engineering, or math course will satisfy this requirement. This prepares students ...
Chemistry majors complete courses providing a solid background in the physical sciences and mathematics, together with a sequence of courses in general, analytical ... for ACS certification. The ...
CHEM.4070 currently has the AIL designation as well as the following chemistry electives: 4 CHEM.4030 Introductory Polymer Science I will be required of all majors entering as first-year students or ...
The most popular of the three degrees is the Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree in with a major ... The curriculum is centered on the five traditional chemistry sub-disciplines: analytical chemistry, ...
The department offers a major in chemistry, with students taking courses in organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry ... of Chemistry offers a program leading to the Bachelor of ...
Students who complete this NevadaTeach program will earn two degrees: the Bachelor of Science in Education/Secondary ... Students will take courses in general, analytical, organic, inorganic and ...
The program also prepare students to work for private industries in their analytical, environmental, chemical synthesis, or toxicology laboratories. In addition, the program provides training to ...
The Bachelor of Science (Chemistry) at Massey University will provide ... Determining the structure of matter and how much of it is present is the focus of analytical chemistry. In this course we ...