Based on the beloved Australian animated preschool series, the first-ever Bluey animated film is officially in the works. The ...
Thanks in no small part to Disney's involvement, Bluey, Bingo, and all the rest have become household names. That said, could ...
Thanks to Disney+, Bluey, Bingo, and all their friends have found an international audience. Now, the Heelers are going to ...
Ahead of the hit animated series' big-screen debut, kids share the storylines — from a big Heeler family trip to a brand new ...
The popular Australian animated series, which follows Bluey, a Blue Heeler puppy who lives with her dad, mom and little ...
Families will get to step inside Bluey’s house (“for real life!”) at CAMP’s newest and most heartwarming immersive ...
There will be various Bluey -themed events for cruises that kick off in Australia and New Zealand, including meet-and-greets ...
The company said that Bluey, along with her sister Bingo, will be onboard cruises originating from Australia and New Zealand starting in January 2025. The experience will include meet-and-greets ...
It has won a Peabody, a BAFTA, an Emmy and multiple Logies. Bandit, Chilli, Bluey and Bingo are seen in a still from the show "Bluey." The series follows a young blue heeler pup named Bluey and ...
Bluey, Bingo and the rest of their family will soon be on Disney cruises and at the Disney theme parks for families to meet, beginning in January.
According to a press release, the movie "will continue the adventures of Bluey, a loveable, inexhaustible, blue heeler dog, who lives with her Mum, Dad and her little sister, Bingo." Fans of the ...
Bluey will be coming to Disney theme parks and on Disney cruises in 2025 for special meet-and-greets and experiences.