Check out these 26 black and white birds and discover where they live, what they eat, and how to identify them. Identification: These birds are large, diving waterfowl that appear duck-like but ...
Here is Texas, there is a really unique bird that Gulf Coast Bird Observatory has been monitored since 2011. It’s a striking bird, with a black and white body and ...
The majority of geese that migrate to Mississippi are the lesser snow geese. The lesser snow goose has two color phases, a blue phase and a white phase and should not be confused with the smaller, but ...
This species’ often confiding nature ... Adult: depending on sex and subspecies, head, with white eye arcs, varies from jet black to gray, with white supercilia and throat, blackish lores ...
DESCRIPTION: The black-backed woodpecker is a towhee- to robin-sized three-toed woodpecker inhabiting montane and boreal conifer forests of North America. The bird is heavily barred black and white on ...