Retirement planning ultimately boils down to a simple equation: the more saved, the sooner financial independence becomes ...
Being a certified financial planner, or CFP, is largely considered the gold standard in financial planning ... around when we lose people in the process," says John Loper, a certified financial ...
Integrating tax planning and financial strategy with CFPs and CPAs ... making coordination between the plan and the investments an easy process. A CFP must adhere to a fiduciary standard, meaning ...
Financial planning refers to the process of achieving financial security ... life to its fullest potential," says Jordan ...
The credential-granting body for planners is launching a multi-year strategy that includes research, industry partnerships, ...
Seek out financial planners who have a CFP. At that point, your job is half done. The Financial Planning Association ... to help you understand their process and fees (there's a good list here).
Keller said. "And he said, 'You know, I got tired of prospects asking me, are you a CFP?'" Keller recently sat down with Financial Planning to look back at his nearly 20 years at the CFP Board and ...
CFP Board announced the launch of Accelerate & WIN, a comprehensive program designed to accelerate the growth, influence and leadership of female CFP professionals.
A newly released survey conducted by the Certified Financial Planner (CFP) Board warns of major risks to clients’ retirement planning goals should the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) not be extended by ...