In the acknowledgment section of her book, Fisher also gave a sweet mention to close friend Melissa Mathison, who was married to Star Wars costar Harrison Ford for 21 years. RELATED VIDEO: Carrie ...
Fisher has fictionalized ... standup routine that inspired the book. Her comedic talents are on full display—particularly in her diagram of Hollywood... Carrie Fisher, read by author.
and half-sister of Star Wars’ Carrie Fisher, is opening up about her famous family’s struggles with addiction in her new book, Growing Up Fisher: Musings, Memories and Misadventures.
(She finally revealed the details of that surreal time this year in her last book, The Princess Diarist, but had been hinting at it for years.) SEE ALSO: Carrie Fisher slept with Harrison Ford ...
"Did we ever meet Carrie Fisher? We've seen her, but we didn't know her. But from everything she gave fans -- her books, her roles -- we felt like we knew her. When I found out she passed ...