A series of feature films based on the long-running Case Closed manga about a brilliant teenage detective who's given a poison that reverted him to a 4-year-old. Under a new identity, he'll ...
Case Closed Movie: The Time Bombed Skyscraper (movie 1): Art Director Case Closed: Captured in Her Eyes (movie 4): Art Director Case Closed: Countdown to Heaven (movie 5): Art Director Case Closed ...
Case Closed Movie: The Time Bombed Skyscraper (movie 1): Title Logo Case Closed: Captured in Her Eyes (movie 4): Title Logo Design Case Closed: Countdown to Heaven (movie 5): Title Logo Design ...
Case Closed ages like a fine wine, gaining popularity over the years with the latest movie grossing over $105 million. Detective Conan's compelling storytelling captivates audiences globally ...