Chafer grubs are the larvae of large, flying beetles. There are several species, collectively known as chafers. The grubs live in the soil, feeding on plant roots. Damage to lawns first appears as ...
Northern masked chafer grubs tend to reach the 3rd larval stage about 1–2 weeks ... Mark sampling spots in a grid pattern at 6–10' (lawns) or 10–20' (sports fields) apart. On golf course fairways mark ...
With spring on the horizon, gardeners across the UK are gearing up to tackle their lawns. But when exactly should you bring ...
Chafer grubs are bigger, comma-shaped ... Birds pecking at the soil in winter, and at lawns in spring and early summer, are another sign of leatherjackets' presence. Can you tell me more about ...
It is easy to miss their activity. While the adults are not pests, the larvae (grubs) are considered more destructive to turf than Japanese beetles because they feed longer during the year. European ...
Oriental beetle (Exomala orientalis), rose chafer (Macrodactylus subspinosus) and Asiatic garden beetle (Maladera castanea). It is important to identify the type of grub in your lawn before treating.
This may be because of mild weather this year, which has kept the chafer beetle grubs closer to the surface of lawns. Almost every community in the Lower Mainland is seeing higher than normal levels ...
the soil-dwelling larvae of chafer beetles. These grubs feed on the roots of the grass, making the lawn vulnerable to damage. Crows like to feed on them, and the weakened grass roots mean that when ...
Sportnem H Chafer Grub Killer is a chafer grub treatment containing Heterorhabditis bacteriophora; a species of native entomopathogenic nematode (microscopic worms), which controls infestations of ...