Oyster populations in the Chesapeake Bay are faring well, according to the Maryland Department of Natural Resources’ annual Fall Oyster Survey.
Maryland oyster growers and Chesapeake Bay advocates held an oyster roast in Annapolis to entice lawmakers to support bills to protect the mollusks.
Maryland lawmakers and aquaculture business owners gathered at the State House in Annapolis Tuesday to eat farm-grown oysters ...
Severn elementary-schoolers want your oyster shells. The shells will help the Chesapeake Bay Foundation restore reefs and cleanse waters.
The EPA’s Chesapeake Bay Program has worked to restore the Bay’s waters and fish and plant life since 1983, but severe cuts ...
This project will combine advanced mathematical modeling and statistical analysis of field data on analyzing distribution patterns of seagrass meadows and oyster ... oyster reefs over 30+ hectares in ...
Master Oyster Gardener Dr. Richard Siciliano of the Tidewater Oyster Gardeners Association will present free 90-minute ...
Congressional lawmakers and environmental organizations warn the administration could backtrack over 40 years of conservation progress.
Get Instant Summarized Text (Gist) Virginia's oyster restoration efforts in the Chesapeake Bay have led to significant ecological and economic benefits. Oyster reefs, crucial for water filtration ...