Use these beautiful exercises to get the circle of fifths in your ear, in your brain and in your fingers. Music theory gets fun when you put it to good use and make something meaningful.
The number of sharps or flats for all major and minor keys are shown in the chart. Major keys are given in UPPER CASE letters. Minor keys are given in lower case letters.
For all those engineers who dabble in music [Magnetovore] has your back. Musicians simply must know their scales and he came up with a papercraft slide rule for major and minor scales. The system ...
rotating a pentagon around a circle of fifths will produce a chromatic scale Pictured above is a dodecagon, which simply slams all the notes simultaneously as it rotates.
focusing on either the circle of fourths or the circle of fifths. The program asks the user for a starting note and the type of circle to use (fourths or fifths). It then demonstrates how the circle ...
See the demo application for a minimal example of using and styling the Circle. The Circle of Fifths component ships with a default stylesheet and color theme. If this theme isn't to your liking, or ...