However, his short fuse and alcoholism eventually wrecked his own life and brought disaster for Texas during the Civil War. Louis Trezevant Wigfall was ... forces attempted to expel the Union army ...
Many men in history are brought high by their ambitions, only to fall from their vices. Louis Wigfall, an attorney, legislator, and later U.S. senator from Texas, had many advantages ...
The theme of independence has recurred throughout the history of Texas, which was a republic from 1836–45. But the Civil War established that a state cannot secede. The Texas and U.S. flags wave ...
“In 2009, when it was finished, they contacted the Texas Civil War Museum.” Those displays stayed there in Fort Worth until earlier this year when the Texas Civil War Museum unfortunately had ...
I cover Hollywood and entertainment. Civil War teams a blue state, California, and a red state, Texas, in a bid to overthrow the film’s dictatorial president. Since America is so deeply divided ...