The auditory efferent pathway is constituted by descending projections from pyramidal neurons located in layer V and VI of the primary auditory cortex and directed to the thalamus, inferior colliculus ...
The cochlea is a hollow tube deep in your ear. It looks like a spiral-shaped snail shell and plays an important part in helping you hear: It changes sounds into nerve messages and sends them to your ...
CONCLUSION These findings have been interpreted to be an extracochlear phenomenon, in which the reduction in central efferent suppression of cochlear mechanics, leading to an increase in cochlear ...
The information that the afferent neurons carries to the brain can be modulated by the efferent neurons; these are neurons that originate in the brain and project to the cochlea. We know that the ...
The Cochlear Neurotransmission Group studies the generation and propagation of neural signals in the inner ear. Our laboratories use biophysical, electrophysiological, molecular biological and ...
He undertook postgraduate research on the efferent control system in hearing at The Brain Research Institute of The University of Brussels and continued his research in Canada, where he obtained a PhD ...