English 1102 (English Composition II) is the second step in a required two-step composition sequence under section A1 in UNG's core curriculum. According to the course catalog, "This course develops ...
Welcome to Freshman Composition at UAB! Our first year composition courses are designed to promote your success as a writer both inside and outside of the classroom. Our small, hands-on classrooms ...
If you have questions about first-year composition, contact the Associate Director of Composition, Amanda Stevens (steven30@miamioh.edu). English 111, Composition and Rhetoric, is a writing course ...
Four required foundation courses offer a breadth and depth in the field; two seminars are additional composition and rhetoric courses, and two seminars are open electives in English at the 600 level ...
The M.A. emphasis in rhetoric and writing studies is designed for students who wish to strengthen their skills as writers while deepening their understanding of theories of writing from the fields of ...
Want to write clearly and effectively? Take a composition course at Concordia. The English department offers a variety of Composition courses at different levels from basic grammar and usage to ...
English 1101 (English Composition I) is the first step in a required two-step composition sequence under section A1 in UNG's core curriculum. The course catalog defines the course as focusing on ...