Columnist Shannon Brennan writes that conservation easements are critical because they preserve land for agriculture, forests ...
Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks is seeking public input on a potential project that would place nearly 53,000 acres of private timberland in Northwest Montana under a conservation easement and ...
So in 2016, he secured what’s known as a conservation easement, a type of legal agreement that required his property, some of which floods or lacks irrigation, to remain a farm forever.
Consider safeguarding your land with a conservation easement through the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) in Florida. NRCS accepts ...
Editor's note: Conservation easements have become a go-to solution ... comes as a surprise to the unsuspecting. As if on cue, signs reminding drivers to keep moving appear. The serene beauty ...
launched their own probe into the potential abuse of syndicated conservation easement transactions. They allege these easements may have allowed some taxpayers to profit from gaming the tax code ...
The NRCS and REF are taking applications for REForest Arkansas to convert 10,000 acres into permanent conservation easements.
The second phase of a plan to conserve wildlife habitat and secure public access in the Cabinet Mountains is gaining widespread support from Flathead Valley residents. The state completed the first ...
FWP is seeking public input on a potential project that would place nearly 53,000 acres of private timberland under a ...