Boston City Councilor Tania Fernandes Anderson was found to have violated multiple state campaign finance law provisions over the past year, according to the Office of Campaign and Political Finance.
BOSTON — Boston City Councilor Tania Fernandes Anderson defied calls to resign from her six-figure job amid federal public corruption charges that allege she ripped off thousands of dollars from ...
Indicted Boston City Councilor Tania Fernandes Anderson headed off an enforcement action from state campaign finance regulators Tuesday, with the late filing of a report that detailed more than $ ...
The Boston City Council passed resolutions supporting immigrant’s rights legislation and extended greetings for Ramadan to ...
BOSTON — Indicted Boston City Councilor Tania Fernandes Anderson is allowed to pay her court-appointed attorney on a $1,000 per month payment plan. The councilor, who is accused of orchestrating ...
BOSTON — Indicted Boston City Counselor Tania Fernandes Anderson, who was federally charged for an alleged kickback scheme, says she can’t afford the fees of her court-appointed attorney and ...
Fernandes Anderson said she hoped the program could reduce carbon emissions and traffic. “We should mitigate the transportation issues that we have here in Boston,” said Ferenandes Anderson. “I think ...
In back-to-back votes, Boston City Council unanimously supports resolutions to condemn Veteran Affairs and National Institute ...