1. Click on Settings in the course navigation menu to the left 2. Under the Course Details tab, check that the dates are correct (there might not be an end date) and that Users can only participate in ...
Identify which sections will be accessed from the course navigation menu and which items will live inside other tabs. For example: syllabus, content, assignments, assessments, discussions and ...
The course navbar should streamline the course navigation for you and your students, bringing access to the high touch points of your course, such as content, discussions and assignments into one ...
An introduction to navigational principles and operational requirements for visual flight. The fourth number of the course code shows the level of the course. For example, in course 219206, the fourth ...
This course will be a practical introduction to robotic sensing, navigation and machine learning techniques in robotics. The course focuses on bridging the gap between theoretical developments, ...
First of two courses on the development of practical flight planning competencies including route planning, fuel planning, load planning and flight plan amending for instrument flight operations. The ...