More lungs were offered for transplantation from DCD donors than expected from historical organ yields, whether with simultaneous heart procurement or only other organs (observed to expected ratio ...
Normothermic machine perfusion was linked to significant improvements in liver transplant clinical outcomes and reduced hospital resource use, especially among patients who received donation after ...
The great majority of DCD donors are not giving their lungs ... concerns that lungs are injured during the in situ perfusion process. "TA-NRP is technically possible, and some surgeons have ...
DCD involves a donor whose heart has stopped beating, a process that was not possible in past because the organ could quickly become injured due to oxygen deprivation. Dr. Rabi honed his practice ...
Opens in a new tab or window A national study found that more lungs were offered for transplantation from donation after circulatory death (DCD) donors than expected. Simultaneous heart donation ...