The desert mule deer is a common sight in west Texas, but wildlife biologists in the area came across an extremely uncommon ...
An Arizona Game & Fish Department wildlife officer made a new friend after removing hundreds of cholla spines from the ...
Kanz got the call at about 6:15 a.m. about a fawn in the parking lot of B.F. Nelson. “My first impression was that it’s a deer, there’s a wooded area nearby, so let him run back to the woods.
Fawns from the pervious year are the most vulnerable ... Walking, trotting, bounding, and running are the normal gaits of a white-tailed deer, which is capable of running at speeds up to 35 mph for ...
While most folks are aware that it can be dangerous to run into a bear while ... common reasons this happens is the deer feels threatened, a doe feels her fawns -- young deer -- are at risk ...
Two wildlife agencies share insights on what the public should remember about keeping wild animals like deer and rabbits in ...
Even more surprisingly, the 24-year-old doe that lived in captivity in Kerr Wildlife Management Area actually birthed a fawn in her final year. But of course, a fraction of a single percent of all ...
“It stands in stark contrast to the older, larger mule deer running ahead of it ... "The Rarest of Rare"A melanistic (black hair) mule deer fawn was spotted by TPWD District 1 Biologists ...