The poufs of colored flowers that emerge from hydrangea ... pointers on how to do it best, important factors to consider ...
‘Doing this tells the plant to stop focusing on making seeds and start growing new blooms — giving you more colour throughout the season.’ But how do you deadhead hydrangeas? Well, we’ve ...
After your old wood hydrangeas' blooms have faded, you can deadhead those spent flowers ... A dead stem can be removed at any time. If you do not know the type of hydrangea you have, look at ...
Hydrangeas are gorgeous, hardy shrubs that can take the summer heat and chilly winter temperatures relatively well. The large flowers can last up to 20 growing seasons with some proper care ...
If you wanted to turn the flowers pink, you would need to adjust the pH of the soil. But, you don't want to do this for hydrangeas planted close to a pine because the tree would likely suffer.
but do not prune bigleaf and oakleaf hydrangeas, as you risk cutting off the next season’s blooms. In spring, give potted plants a jump start on the growing season by moving them to a sunny room ...