And that whiteboard is also the window of which you ... Doing so will literally make your dry erase markers glow. It practically looks like a neon sign. We think [Bil Herd] might have to make ...
You've definitely used dry-erase markers to mark up a whiteboard in a classroom or at the office—they’re so ubiquitous, they’re even replicated in apps that allow you to keep a whiteboard in ...
Dry erase markers are widely used in various environments including schools, offices, and households. They are typically applied to whiteboards, items made of glass, and specific laminated surfaces.
And that whiteboard is also the window of which you ... Doing so will literally make your dry erase markers glow. It practically looks like a neon sign.
Giannis Antetokounmpo maximized every second of that chance to communicate by immediately getting his hands on a whiteboard and dry erase marker to point something out to his teammates and coaches.