A CPU chip that contains two distinct processing units that work in parallel. IBM introduced dual core Power 4 CPUs in 2000, followed by Sun and HP in 2004 and x86-based Pentiums in 2005.
By comparison, Intel's nearly 10-year-old Skylake-based Core i7-6700HQ quad-core mobile CPU was barely any slower than the ...
which means each core within the processor splits itself into multiple virtual cores called threads. A dual-core CPU typically has four threads, a quad-core usually has eight, and a 32-core ...
Microprocessors have been single core since their inception in the early 1970s. After the turn of the century, chips with two or more CPUs emerged. See dual core and multicore. THIS DEFINITION IS ...
The chipmaker also plans to release new dual-socket Xeon Scalable CPUs and single-socket 13th-gen Core CPUs for the workstation segment, which will make this Intel’s ‘most comprehensive ...
The GR712RC is an implementation of a dual-core LEON3FT SPARC V8 processor using RadSafe technology. The fault tolerant design of the processor in combination with the radiation tolerant technology ...
Intel has revealed its long-awaited 10th-generation Intel Core S-Series processors that pack up to ... "if you're shoving in a dual 10Gb or a dual 25Gb card in a desktop workstation, the ...