The star of the show is the FE1.1s, a four port ... 7 kΩ resistor, and a 12 MHz crystal. There’s no provision for actual USB ports in the design, but they would just take up space anyway; this ...
Based on its large size and more powerful specs, it's a dock. But Anker also makes the 7-Port USB 3.0 Hub, which uses external power along with a USB-B to A connector to facilitate seven extra USB ...
he found that most support per-port power switching (PPPS), and set about to hack a USB hub to enable software-controlled per-port switching. [Befi]’s NEC hub uses a uPD720112 chip which ...
Few people have a full range of USB-C or Thunderbolt gear, so you’ll likely need a USB-C hub ... 7.5W of power to the connected device. There’s also a much slower 480Mbps USB 2.0 port that ...