This biopic focuses on the relationship of Ernie Davis (1939-1963), a gifted African-American athlete, and his coach from 1958 to 1962 at Syracuse University, Ben Schwartzwalder (1909-1993).
As voted on by local coaches and media members, each year one football player from the Elmira area will have their name forever enshrined next to the “Elmira Express” Ernie Davis’ name.
The second annual Ernie Davis Day will hit The Clemens Center on Friday, December 6 at 9:30 AM. On December 6, 1961 “The Elmira Express” Davis became the first Black college football player to ...
The honors came early and often, from the time he started with organized sports. Ernie Davis succeeded at every venue, a three-sport standout in high school, a two-time All-American halfback at ...
The honors came early and often, from the time he started with organized sports. Ernie Davis succeeded at every venue, a three-sport standout in high school, a two-time All-American halfback at ...
The effort is being put forth by Walker for the potential of earning the coveted Ernie Davis Scholarship Award. Davis, known best at the Elmira Express, won college football’s Heisman Trophy ...