The holy chief Apostles Peter and Paul, according to Church tradition ... A church was built in the year 324 by St. Constantine the Great over the grave of the Apostle Paul.
Today we celebrate the Feast of the Chair of St. Peter. A non-Catholic (and some Catholics) might ask: “What’s so special about Peter’s Chair? Are we next going to have “St. Paul’s bed?” ...
St. Patrick's Day is the feast day for St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. Irish citizens celebrate the day by ...
They may be celebrated during Sunday Mass, or may be during the week. The Feast of Saints Peter and Paul is celebrated on 29 June, supposedly the day that both saints died, although years apart.
St. Patrick’s Day Parade: Noon Monday. The parade starts in Rice Park in downtown St. Paul (Fifth and Market Streets) and ends near Mears Park (Fifth and Sibley Streets), traveling along Fifth Street.