Christmas is the most joyful time of the year to spend time with family and friends. A Sydney-based mum is using this festive time to teach her children about Filipino culture. Full-time mum ...
From just a couple of families celebrating Christmas together, it has now become an annual major event for a neighbourhood in Maddington, Western Australia aimed at preserving Filipino traditions.
Adorning the home with parols and Christmas trees? Or perhaps attending Simbang Gabi, the traditional novena Masses? For the longest time, Filipino culture and traditions have prioritized family ...
She spent the first seven years of her life in Bacolod, Philippines. She remembered what the Christmas season meant ... And of course, a traditional meal after mass, called 'noche Buena.' ...
It’s Filipino,” Canlas said. But most of all? “They will recognize it.” He launched the first parol workshops and Parol Stroll in 2003, and over the years the Christmas tradition caught on. Soon the ...
Since torta is such a Christmas constant for us, I always figured it was a tradition across the Philippines, but I recently realized I’ve never heard of other Filipinos baking the same dessert.