These infected leaves will eventually become yellow and fall from the trees. The good news is that peach curl is far from the worst disease that your fruit trees could be infected with.
Regardless of the disease, management requires a multipronged approach: Use fungicides with a rotation of different modes of ...
Q: Last spring my peach tree leaves were red colored, wrinkled and distorted looking, and they turned yellow and fell off the ...
Pruning is an essential step in ensuring that your tree produces as much quality fruit as possible and can even help prevent diseases. Fortunately, pruning a peach tree is relatively ...
For example, peach trees that bear fruit in May typically need around 650 chill hours, although those fruiting in July may require about 800 hours. While these are useful guidelines, Texas winters ...
Late winter is an ideal time for pruning many trees, and fruit trees are no exception. Regularly trimming away damaged and ...