The two performed Ganga aarti with the film's director Abhishek Kapoor. The trio even offered prayers at Kashi Vishwanath. Azaad, directed by Abhishek Kapoor, has been making waves with the ...
The Ganga Tarpana, the Ganga Aarti, is one of the most holy and extraordinarily gorgeous things that happen in the place of the Ganges River. In the climax of the Ardh Kumbh Mela, one of world’s ...
She attended the Ganga Aarti for the first time. To give everyone a sneak peek, Sara shared an Instagram video, where she can be seen sitting by the river, relaxing and later attending the aarti ...
Ganga Aarti at the Sangam Ghat in Prayagraj began on Friday evening with the chanting of hymns and the lighting of oil lamps.
The two leads, along with the film's director Abhishek Kapoor, participated in the Ganga aarti during their visit to Varanasi. The trio also took time to offer prayers at the revered Kashi ...
The photos show Aaman, Rasha, and Abhishek experiencing Ganga Aarti, enjoying a boat ride across the river, and gorging on local delicacies. Abhishek Kapoor, expressing his happiness, said ...