When the weather went from heavy snow and frigid temperatures to 68 degrees, the emergence of daffodils exploded. Crocuses ...
Polypropylene fencing is also not environmentally friendly, and may pose the risk of wildlife entanglement. Read more: 19 Deer-Resistant Shrubs To Landscape Your Yard & Protect Your Garden Given ...
When @2thesunnyside planted her beautiful garden, they discovered the deer were feasting on the veggies before they could harvest them! To keep the deer out, they built an 8-ft. deer fence using ...
BRACEVILLE, Ohio (WKBN) — A successful rescue by the Braceville Fire Department after learning a deer was stuck in a wire ...
Bill Godfrey knows that lettuce, peppers and fruit grown in the Natrona Community Garden are vital to feeding residents of ...
A deer trapped in a fence behind the Braceville Township Fire Station was freed by firefighters Sunday. The Braceville Fire ...
Q : Can you identify the enclosed picture (see reader's photo)? It looks like impatiens, but they are in full sun. I thought maybe vincas, but the leaves are pointed. A: The plant in question ...