And there are only two farms that take their cheese to the next level, making Boeren Goudse Oplegkaas, or aged artisanal Gouda, a special type of raw-milk farmhouse cheese that must weigh at least ...
Pecorino Romano, and gruyère. The two kinds of crystals can also appear together in some cheeses. You'll find calcium lactate and tyrosine hanging out together in parmesan or aged gouda.
Arethusa Europa, an aged gouda from Arethusa Farm Dairy in Bantam, Connecticut won the 2025 U.S. Championship Cheese Contest. It was the second consecutive win for the cheese, a feat never before ...
You'll mostly find these in the interior of Swiss, Romano, and Parmesan cheeses ... exterior and interior of cheeses, like aged cheddar or occasionally gouda and Parmesan. These are the surface ...