Hrothgar - King of the Danes - builds a mead hall called Heorot but comes under attack from a monster called Grendel. Beowulf, a prince of Geatland, hears of the Danes’ suffering and sails to ...
Set against the coming of Christianity, this is the story of the last hero: in 507, a monstrous troll wreaks havoc in the mead hall of Danish King Hrothgar (Sir Anthony Hopkins). He offers rewards ...
The word "epic" gets thrown around a lot, but in the case of Grendel, a live-action retelling ... kind of watching from a window in the mead hall, there are times where he's just sitting at ...
Hrothgar the KingWas proud of his achievementsWanted the world to know of his nameBuilt a great hall ... Grendel’s bound to hear all the commotionAnd rise up from the deep.’ Sure enough, as ...