If you are currently meeting with a counselor at Counseling Services, you may speak with them about your interest in group therapy. If you are not a current client with Counseling Services, we ask ...
Call or visit our office today to learn more about our groups. Group counseling can be highly effective for addressing a range of issues. It can help alleviate feelings of isolation and dispel the ...
However, in spite of fear or anxiety, it is true that for many concerns, group therapy is an extremely rich, intense, and powerful road to personal growth. Many people have the mistaken belief that ...
There are various types of groups offered each semester. All groups and workshops require a group referral from a Student Counseling Clinician. All meetings occur in the Clinical Health Sciences ...
The Wellness 360 counseling center provides short-term individual counseling, group counseling, and psychiatry ... For virtual appointments. click "Join Your Meeting" or let the counselor know you ...
More than 3,000 meetings are held every week around the ... and learn practical or medical information that has helped others. Group therapy can also be a more affordable option than individual ...
Group counseling helps people make significant changes so they ... learn about anxiety and develop skills to better manage their anxiety. To schedule a brief meeting to learn more about the group, ...
Therapy in a group setting can be a productive and supportive way to ... Get started: If you are currently meeting with a UH&CS counselor, speak to them directly about a referral to group. If you are ...