In an annual prediction of the size of the Gulf of Mexico’s “dead zone,” scientists this week said this summer’s will be the third-largest ever: roughly the size of New Jersey. NEW ORLEANS (CN) – In ...
This year's dead zone far exceeds the 1,900 square-mile goal set by the Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia Task Force, a collaborative ...
An international team looks back 12 million years for clues about the formation of these vast areas where no life can survive A satellite image of the Northern Gulf of Mexico ... Today’s largest open ...
The low-oxygen conditions that form in the Gulf each summer kill bottom-living organisms and result in fish and shrimp moving ...
This dead zone, the researchers now believe is by far the largest in the world, and may encompass the entire 63,700-square-mile Gulf of Oman in the Arabian Sea. It's around the size of Florida ...