India's Enforcement Directorate, a government agency that fights financial crime, searched Harsh Mander's premises on Thursday. Officials said they were investigating a money laundering case ...
I am grateful to Syed Rubeel Haider Zaidi for his research support. Harsh Mander, justice and peace worker and writer, leads Karwan e Mohabbat, a people’s campaign to counter hate violence with ...
Muslims have faced investigation, assault and noisy disruptions as a vast majority of Indians is complicit in this persecution with their silence.
The Maha, or Great Festival, takes place every 12 years. According to Hindu mythology one of four drops of the “elixir of ...
A vibrant line up of literary discussions, cultural conversations, and artistic expressions are scheduled to be held at ...
The Department of English at Bishop Moore College, Mavelikara, will organise a three-day national conference titled ‘‘Jawaharlal Nehru: Man, Idea and Nation’‘ from January 21 to 23.