or doing custom hay work, it is imperative a producer know their cost of production to understand the value of the product being produced and packaged. Similar to other enterprises, hay production ...
Alfalfa historical high dry matter yields (6-12 tons/acre), versatility of products (hay, greenchop, silage, haylage), and almost year-long forage production, from mid/late March to late November ...
Nebraska agriculture is amazing! Celebrate National Ag Week March 16 to 22, state ag director Sherry Vinton writes.
Cow-calf production in the upper Midwest is not historically profitable every year without significant cost savings in winter ...
Hay in any form will increase saliva production as it is chewed, and saliva contains sodium bicarbonate, which also helps ...
Dickson's Farm in Conway County was pastureland used for hay production. Now, it's full of hundreds of rows of saplings meant ...
Current hay supplies across the state depend on conditions of winter-planted forage crops and rainfall, according to Extension Service experts.
With milk prices reduced by private dairies by Rs 2 per litre (Rs 31 per litre), the increase in hay prices could impact milk production. So, efforts need to be made early. I have two cattle and a ...