they may see it really worsen in early pregnancy." The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) notes that heartburn can strike during the first trimester.[1]#1 The problem can ...
You can find relief by making lifestyle changes or by taking certain medications if you have heartburn during pregnancy. Heartburn can happen as your uterus presses on your stomach and pushes acid ...
Myth No. 4: Experiencing heartburn during pregnancy means you’re having a ... but it can actually cause a problem known as rebound acid if it’s taken too often. “The problem is, if you ...
Common problem foods and drinks are -- Fatty foods ... Take an antacid. If you get heartburn frequently, or if antacids don’t help, call your doctor.
Is it better to sleep on your side or your back? Sleep doctors explain the benefits and risks of side sleeping vs. back sleeping, and which position is healthiest.