the 900-page third act in Hilary Mantel’s acclaimed Tudor drama. It is the last of their candid exchanges before the criticism from his enemies becomes deafening and Cromwell is seized ...
The premise of this version of British royal “herstory” is that the six ex-wives of Henry VIII have gathered in some ...
JC Mantel’s skill reaches its zenith in the fall of Anne Boleyn and the rise of Cromwell – told so vividly it almost seems the author was herself a witness. JC ...
Wolf Hall: The Mirror and the Light drew to a dramatic close on Sunday night and viewers were left saying the same thing as ...
In terms of what viewers have come to expect from a historical drama, Wolf Hall: The Mirror and the Light (BBC1, Sunday, ...
The BBC series follows the rise and fall of Tudor statesman Thomas Cromwell, and is an adaptation of the novel written by Dame Hilary Mantel, who died shortly before filming for series two began.
Hilary Mantel stressed she was concerned with depicting the outer world faithfully but her chief concern was her character’s interior drama. This adaptation shows how much she strayed from that ...