The thesis statement is the central claim your essay will ... and the corresponding sample text is on the right: Structural Component Example Introductory Paragraph Opener Dublin is such a small city: ...
note how the "skeleton" thesis statement given in examples above has a transition which facilitates the flow of the introduction. In writing a concluding paragraph, one typically begins with a ...
Your introductory paragraph should build up to your thesis statement and provide your reader with ... There are many other theses that could be created from this particular example, but this is one ...
This page will cover the concept of essay writing and provide a guide with 10 steps for composing an essay in English, including its structure, examples ... your introduction with your thesis ...
It states, clearly and directly, your position on this topic or question (i.e., your thesis). In addition to grabbing the reader’s attention, the opening sentence of an essay sets up the structure of ...