People who developed PTSD showed differences in how their brains handled intrusive memories, laboratory-based tests of memory revealed. Participants learned pairs of random words and pictures ...
This indicates that these individuals had a better ability to shut down the re-emergence of intrusive memories. “Suppression is a very clever function of the brain as it weakens all of the ...
A new study has explored the link between sleep deprivation and the inability to stop intrusive thoughts and memories. The research, led by University of East Anglia lecturer Dr Marcus Harrington ...
Typically, we can push these memories aside quickly, reducing the likelihood of future intrusions. However, individuals suffering from depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) ...
PTSD is characterized by vivid, intrusive memories of the precipitating event, hypervigilance and hyper-reactivity to possible threats, nightmares, and mood disturbances. Those suffering from PTSD ...
There is no medication specifically for intrusive thoughts, but drugs that alleviate the underlying cause may also reduce the intrusive thoughts. Various conditions can cause intrusive thoughts ...
Memory suppression and intentional forgetting are fascinating areas of research that explore how individuals manage unwanted memories and intrusive thoughts. This process is crucial for mental ...