Now that my cast iron skillets have built up a nonstick patina, it’s important to clean them without damaging the seasoning. Whether I’m cleaning crispy cheese residue or washing off reduced ...
Get right to it: Clean the skillet immediately after use ... Full Circle Tenacious C Cast Iron Brush Using soap, steel wool, or other abrasives is not the end of the world, but you may need ...
In short, it won't do the pan any favors. Best Stainless Steel Frying Pans See at Cnet How to clean your cast-iron skillet like a pro It doesn't take more than a few minutes to clean a cast-iron pan.
It's not difficult to bring a tired steam iron back to working like a dream! As always, check the owners manual before proceeding with any cleaning process so you don't void an active warranty.
To make cleaning your skillet easier ... In the meantime, just keep an extra box of salt on hand to keep your cast iron in perfect condition. Read the original article on Chowhound.