Actors Jackie Shroff and Neena Gupta are reuniting after their 2017 short film 'Khujli'. They have come together for a slice-of-life film, 'Mast Mein Rehne Ka' film. The movie is written and ...
Mumbai, Dec 07(ANI): Veteran actors Jackie Shroff and Neena Gupta are all set to come up with the film ‘Mast Mein Rehne Ka’. While speaking about the theme of the film, the two urged people to ...
He passed away last evening at the age of 90. Veteran actress Neena Gupta has spoken about the filmmaker, who directed him in quite a few movies, in an interview with us. Neena Gupta on her Trikal ...
See Kareena's post here: Work-wise, Jackie Shroff was last seen in Prime Video film 'Mast Mein Rehne Ka'. Co-starring with Neena Gupta, the movie released on December 8.