Jeb Bush married his wife, Columba, a Catholic, at the University of Texas’ Catholic student center when he was just 21 years old in 1974. He joined the Catholic Church in a ceremony at the ...
Bush is seen as a strong fiscal conservative who cut taxes and state government spending repeatedly as governor. Top issues: ...
Bush and his wife Laura Bush, who serves as a board member ... as well as former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush. So far, no members of ...
Jeb Bush’s role in Schiavo end-of-life dispute could tarnish 2016 spotlight Jeb Bush's effort to stop Michael Schiavo from removing his brain-damaged wife's feeding tube was a defining moment of ...
Likely 2016 Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush used his personal email while governor of Florida to discuss troop deployments, nuclear plant protection and other such matters, the ...