Joining the LECOM Suncoast Classic staff this year is Carley Kristich, the wife of Tournament Director Justin Kristich. A ...
At long last, some real pace-of-play policies are coming to professional golf. Just not the PGA Tour... yet. Speaking from ...
In a lawsuit last month, Eide said that he met Steitz at a golf outing for real estate execs at the Lakewood Country Club on June 3. (The local construction company RK Industries, which reportedly ...
Bradenton native Danny Walker is set to make his PGA Tour season debut Thursday. The former Lakewood Ranch High golf star and University of Virginia alum is playing in the Sony Open at Waialae ...
Golfers in Lakewood have had a full day's sport, and though a high morning wind prevented low scores and brought rain in the afternoon, the day has been much enjoyed. The Country Club had an entry ...