With some incredible walk-offs at the Women's College World Series, and some thrilling regional tournaments in Little League, excitement about and popularity of softball is at an all-time high.
Two million kids play every year. They do so in 80 countries and in all 50 states. It's been a national pastime since 1939.
Aug. 25 Southwest 6, West 3 Replay: ESPN360.com Lamade Aug. 26 Mexico 6, Japan 0 Replay: ESPN360.com Lamade Aug. 26 Texas 4, New York 1 Replay: ESPN360.com Lamade Aug. 27 Asia-Pacific 5 ...
Michigan (Tecumseh Area Little League) Ohio (West Side Little League) Regional action is about to pick up, and there are plenty of ways to tune in. Select games will air on national TV ...
Leadership Northeast is a community service program designed to educate and train emerging leaders in the region. The program ...
The Central Maui 12 and under little league team has won its elimination game of the Little League West Regionals 13-8 over a squad from Arizona. The Central East Maui team, which earned the right ...
BEAUMONT, Texas — West End Little League kicked off its season Saturday as players and parents gathered on the Major League ...
Pascual family photos “Hit one for daddy,” whispered Lynn Pascual as she watched from the stands while her 12-year-old son, Jaren, took his at-bat at the Little League West Regional ...
Bangor East Little League and Bangor West Little League have merged together, forming one Bangor Little League covering all ...
BANGOR, Maine (WABI) - Bangor East and West Little Leagues are merging, starting with the 2025 season. The organization ...
But thanks to a helping hand from West Pasadena Little League, the teams are back on the field and getting into the swing of things once again. "Most of Altadena was destroyed during the Eaton Fire.